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Defensive Tactics Training

Our Civilian Tour of Duty offers courses on appreciation for our Military History. This military boot camp for civilians provides an assessment of our current Armed Forces and 1st Responder needs, defensive tactics training, as well as the seriousness of War and the duty of Patriotism!


"A Taste Of the Military" is designed for individuals, families and groups to get a sampling of “The Military Experience”. We will host you, feed you, put you up in the barracks overnight and tour you through the many facilities and training venues we have to offer. You will have the opportunity to get “hands on” defensive tactics training with various weapons, equipment, training devices and vehicle and weapons simulators.

Urban Survival Course

You will visit the premier urban survival course training center in the world. There, you will tour underground tunnels, a derailed train, an abandoned mental hospital and jail. Our Civilian Tour of Duty will take you in this urban survival course to an area where you can go head to head with members of your group in a paint ball contest under realistic battle conditions. Afterwards, you’ll be evaluated by Veteran urban fighting evaluators.

Combat Training for Civilians

Lastly, you will visit a historical WWII closed Military base. Jefferson Proving Ground was an operational Army base from 1941 through 1995. It was principally used for testing munitions. Today it hosts firearm, marksmanship and combat training for civilians. Its airfields, ammo storage bunkers, mess hall, indoor ranges and shooting towers are still intact. A portion of the base is still operational as an air-to-ground and laser bombing range while the rest is used for combat training for civilians.

tactical shooting classes, tactical shooting training, military boot camp for civilians
wilderness survival school, military mre, situational awareness safety
military training for civilians
extreme courses, combat programs
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