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CATT Certified Academy



CATT Training Certifications include:

  • CATT Academy - Certified Training Programs

  • CATT Civil Patrol - Volunteer Service Program 

  • CATT Security - Fire, Theft, Active Shooter 

  • CATT Surveillance - CCTV, Alarms, motion sensors

  • CATT Watch - Homeowners Associations, 

  • CATT Marksman - Precision shooting, Archery, Melee craft

CCA programs provide relevant training needed in today’s world. Personal protection, survival skills, self-defense and advanced first aid are types of the training we offer.  We also provide training to support corporations, school systems and not-for-profit needs, as well as situational awareness for business and international travels.


CCA also offers a variety of training programs for neighborhood watch and organized response teams to help

keep our homes safe. Additionally, CCA trains clientele to

develop and hone their skills in marksmanship and other

shooting sports.


CCA will partner with your business or school system to consult, evaluate and train your personnel in the areas of

surveillance, physical and operational security, as well as

grounds patrolling and incident response, such as an active

shooter scenario.

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